Metal Caps

Metal tops

see related picture of metal caps

Recycle in Your Bin or Cart:
First remove caps and lids from glass jars and bottles, and place both in the recycling bin. If a metal lid is being removed from a can, either leave the lid partially attached and bend it into the can, or place it in the bottom of the can and squeeze the top to narrow the opening. 

To ensure all small metal bottle caps make it through our facility, fill an empty steel/tin can about 1/3-1/2 of the way with your caps, and pinch the can shut (easiest to do using pliers). 

This item follows the basic rule for metal recycling in your bin or cart (it’s a can, lid, or foil). Metal cans must be empty at a minimum, but rinsed whenever possible. Foil should be clean, and bunched up. Metal lids from metal cans can be left on or placed inside. Metal lids from glass bottles and jars must be recycled loose.